Monday, November 16, 2015

Welcome to Philville :)

Children at play... This sign is located on the beach by my house
I always felt like it summarized my life with my daughter Emma
     Welcome to Philville! I want to formally welcome you all to my personal blog. I have wanted to create one of these for a while, but I was intimidated because my desire for perfection always stopped me from trying to organize my thoughts in writing. In this blog you will find an inside look into my life, along with many typos and important life lessons that I want to share. You will also see many smiley faces and LOL's because that is common in Philville. :)

     The idea of Philville came from friends that often told me I lived in my own world. I move to the beat of a different drum, or maybe it is the beat of a stick hitting a trash can, that sounds more like it. In my blog you will get a close look at my role as a father and a better understanding of what Fatherhood means to me :)

I became a father on September 19,2006. On this day, a seed started growing inside of me. I can remember a moment of self reflection and deciding that I wanted to be the best father I could. I got a few books that helped give me an idea of what I should be doing and made some life changes to reflect my dedication to my newborn daughter. This blog is about my journey to becoming a better father. I still have a long way to go, but I'll hope you join, enjoy and give me input along the way :)

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